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Ecological Exploration


Mudskipper(P. modestus)

Fish | Gobiidae
Periophthalmus modestus


This mudskipper is 4-5 cm long, and its body is brown like the mudflat with black-brown cloud-like patterns. Its muscularized pectoral fins and sucker-shaped pelvic fins allow the fish to lift its body up and hop on the mudflat by waving its tail. The mudskipper normally does not live in a specific burrow, but does dig its own burrows for the breeding season.


The shuttles hoppfish appears near the wooden walkway, as well as between the Yunlin Sedge area and tidal creeks at Gaomei Wetlands.


  • (圖書) 林惠真,高美濕地生物資源,台中,1998。
  • (圖書) 林惠真、宋文汀、蘇珊慧,台中縣海岸溼地生態教室,台中,2003。
  • (圖書) 林惠真、曾于芳,話說高美,台中,2014年。
  • (圖書) 林惠真,走入海岸線,台北,2015。